Q: Are the Bolts a new team?
A: The Bolts were an expansion team that joined San Jose National Adult Baseball Association (SJNABA) in the spring/summer 2022 season. All coaches have previous baseball coaching and playing experience in SJNABA, the San Jose Men's Senior Baseball League (SJMSBL), as well as other leagues.
Q: Why are you starting a new team?
A: The Bolts coaches want to create a unique experience for players and coaches. We are not your average recreational league team. We aim to be highly competitive, build commradre among the team, and have fun while doing it in a more professional, organized manner than traditional rec league teams.
Q: Who are you recruiting?
A: We are always looking for talented, dedicated ball players to join our squad. We are open to all players aged 18 and up. We prefer players in the general South Bay vacinity because we hold regular practices there and all players are expected to participate regularly.
As we are looking to be highly competitive and maximime our players talents, we are looking for players who are open to instruction. Our coaches have a wealth of playing and coaching experience at many levels and aim to make you better. If you aren't looking to improve your skills or aren't open to constructive coaching to make you a better player, we are probably not the team for you.
We have also set clear and high expectations of our coaches and players. We are looking for players who understand those expectations are are willing and able to live up to those committments.
Q: What sets the Bolts apart from other rec league teams?
A: We have a different philosophy than most teams. We have coaching roles separate from players. Coaches do not play unless there is an extrodinary situation. It may sound like overkill for a rec team but there is a reason to our madness. Coaches are meant to provide instruction, set lineups, focus on strategy and make our players better. Players can focus on improving their skills and playing the game without having off-field concerns.
We are very organized, set clear expecations of our players and coaches, and hold players and coaches accountable for the committments they make to themselves and their teammates. Hopefully this website and the accompanying blogs give you a good idea of what to expect, and how we aim to fulfil those commitments.
Q: Why should I join the Bolts?
A: There are lots of great reason's to join the Bolts. First and foremost, we're going to compete every week.
We have designed a coaching staff that will help you improve and maximize your skills so can be the best ball player you can be. Having extra coaching hands allows us to stay very organized, run practices better and more efficiently, and ensure coaching continuity at the games.
We will provide clear expectations of you, your teammates, and your coaches and will hold everyone accountable to those committments.
We have regular access to a field to practice on provided we maintain it properly.
We have cool jerseys and caps and if you meet your commitments as a player you get them for free.
We have a "community chest" of handy items avaliable to all players during games including everything from sunscreen, electrolytes, eye black, athletic tape, pine tar, batting weights, bug spray, and a whole lot more.
We have a team mascot that will show up to games.
On double-header game days, we'll provide food between the games for our players and coaches.
Q: What things are expected of me as a player?
A: Check out a different blog post to learn all about that here: https://www.sbboltsbaseball.com/post/my-expectations-of-you-as-bolts-players
Q: Why are you called the South Bay Bolts?
A: We play in San Jose National Adult Baseball Association (SJNABA) based in the South Bay and are looking to recruit players in the general South Bay region. The "Bolts" part, short for lightning bolts, is a reference to the great baseball movie, "The Natural" and the bat that the character Roy Hobbs made and used in that movie.
Q: Which league are you playing in?
A: There are 3 main leagues based in the South Bay, San Jose Men's Senior Baseball League (MSBL), San Jose National Adult Baseball Association (NABA), and Silicon Valley Adult Baseball League.
The Bolts have chosen to participate in SJNABA for Fall 2022.
All leagues are wood-bat leagues.
Q: How many games are in a season?
A: The spring/summer season is usually 20 regular season games, give or take.
The fall 2022 season will be 8 regular season games, weather permitting.
Q: When do you play games?
A: Games for the summer season are played on Sundays. Fall games are played on Saturdays. Game times will vary week-to-week. Morning games usually begin at 10am. Afternoon games typically begin at 1:30pm. Bolts players will be expected to arrive at least 60 minutes prior to game time to participate.
All leagues take breaks (no games) on holiday weekends which typically include Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th weekend, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving weekend.
Q: Do you play double-headers?
A: Yes, there are a certain number of double-headers scheduled at the beginning of the season. Typically about 1/4 to 1/3 of game days are double-headers. Depending on weather (rain), additional double-headers may be scheduled to account for make-up games.
Q: Will all players play every game?
A: Our intention is to get all players playing time every game and we will do our best to meet this goal. We also aim to be as competitive as possible so coaches will have to balance these goals if they are at odds.
There are many ways to help the team and be involved even if you are not on the field. We'll need bullpen catchers to warm up the pitchers. If the starting catcher makes the last batted out, he'll need time to get ready so someone will need to jump in and warm up the pitcher between innings. There is always a corner outfielder who needs a partner to warm up with between innings. Additionally, we'll try to have a tee and net set up for every game so you can work on your batting skills even if you are not presently in the lineup.
Q: Will you practice?
A: Yes! We aim to be highly competitive and improve on our baseball skills and knowledge so practice is critical. That said, we realize this is a recreational league and we all have other full-time commitments. We will try to balance those facts to the best of our ability.
Ideally, we'll practice once a week on the weekend before the season starts and in-between seasons with normal breaks for holidays. During the season, we'll likely practice once a week during a weekday evening. Practices could be on a field, at a batting cage, or even just throwing on an open grassy area in a park.
We'll try to find the best time and dates that work for the most players and coaches. Schedule adjustments will be made as best suits the team.
All players will be expected to attend practices regularly to participate in games.
Q: How much does it cost to play?
A: League fees are set by the respective league and costs are shared equally among the teams. Fees go toward securing fields (major cost), umpires, baseballs, and insurance.
Each player will pay the same amount which will depend on the league fee and how many players we have to split up the costs. Every player will be expected to pay fees on time in order to participate on the team. Players who don't pay their fees will not be on the team and will not participate in practices and games.
In previous years, players have paid anywhere from $300 - $500 for the summer season and around half that for the fall season.
Q: How can I learn more about the team?
A: To learn more about the Bolts, please read our other blogs and don't forget to check out our Instagram page at: https://www.instagram.com/Southbayboltsbaseball
Q: How can I sign up for a team tryout?
A: To show your interest in the Bolts, please fill out a contact form at: https://www.sbboltsbaseball.com/contact